We are running some new bee courses for people who would like to learn more about these amazing insects.
The first part of the day is spent learning about the different types of bees – bumble bees, honey bees and solitary bees and their behaviour and lifestyle. Their role as pollinators is critical and Brigit will tell you about the intimate relationship bees have with flowers. As Brigit wrote in her book: “How does a bee, newly emerged from its brood cell or cocoon, recognise that plants provide it with food, or which flowers contain the best sources of pollen and nectar? Which bees pollinate which plants? How do they know which flowers have already been worked and which still contain rewards? How do they access the more complexly structured flowers? How do they extract pollen and nectar? How does the plant make sure that pollination actually takes place? How do bees carry pollen back to their nests? How do they find the same plant again? How do they communicate this information to other bees? How do they use the pollen……?”
This session is followed by a walk and talk around the gardens, flower farm and fields which gives you an opportunity to practice some bee ID. Weather permitting, you will see a range of bumble, flower, mason and mining bees, plus the ubiquitous honey bees (we have two hives on the farm) and the bee-lookalikes, hoverflies. We’ve not surveyed the farm for bees so Brigit may spot something unusual. There are lots of things we can all do in our green spaces to help bees and Brigit will point these out on the walk.
We break for an organic lunch and everybody has a chance to have a wander around on their own before coming back for the afternoon session. This time the focus is on the life cycles of solitary and bumble bees. There will be plenty of time for Brigit to answer your questions.
Please note that Brigit will not be talking about bee keeping.
The day starts at 10am with coffee available from 9.45 am and finishes around 4-4.15 pm
Brigit will provide a list of resources at the end of the day but please bring a notepad and pen to take notes during the day. Part of the day will be spent outside so please bring appropriate footwear, wet weather clothing (as we will go out even if it is raining), suncream and hats etc. We aim to finish around 4 pm with tea and cake.
The tickets cost £90 (inclusive of vat) with a second person ticket at £75 and this includes all refreshments and lunch.
You can buy tickets for this event on Eventbrite for Saturday 6 June or Sunday 7 June
Come along and be inspired and informed!
Come and spend a day with experienced beekeeper David for this thorough introduction to the life of the honey bee and ethical ways of beekeeping. Covering both theory and practical elements, the course is suitable for anyone interested in learning about the importance of bees, and those interested in keeping bees as a hobby or to help increase pollination.
Throughout this workshop you’ll have the opportunity to:
1. The workshop includes a light lunch and refreshments.
2. This is a weather dependent event and you will be notified of any decision if the workshop needs to be cancelled at short notice.
3. Protective clothing (overalls or smock) is provided but participants MUST wear trousers, sturdy boots and socks, and bring a pair of rubber or leather gloves long enough to tuck into a sleeve. Your participation on the course is dependent on bringing these items.
4. By booking and attending the workshop, participants agree and accept this is undertaken entirely at their own risk and no liability can be accepted whatsoever in the very unlikely event of any bee sting that may occasionally arise when opening a hive. Participants who have known bee allergies MUST bring their own medication and will not be permitted to partake in opening a hive unless they do so. All participants will be required to sign a disclaimer to this effect on arrival.
5. Participants may also have the opportunity of attending the Honey Harvest Day FREE OF CHARGE at the end of the season. This depends on a number of factors and cannot be guaranteed.
Tickets are available via Eventbrite
Next course is 18 April 2020, cost £80
Office: 01963 371681 Butchery courses 07937 174106
Come and spend a day with experienced beekeeper David for this thorough introduction to the life of the honey bee and ethical ways of beekeeping. Covering both theory and practical elements, the course is suitable for anyone interested in learning about the importance of bees, and those interested in keeping bees as a hobby or to help increase pollination. Throughout this workshop you’ll have the opportunity to:
1. The workshop includes a light lunch and refreshments.
2. This is a weather dependent event and you will be notified of any decision if the workshop needs to be cancelled at short notice.
3. Protective clothing (overalls or smock) is provided but participants MUST wear trousers, sturdy boots and socks, and bring a pair of rubber or leather gloves long enough to tuck into a sleeve. Your participation on the course is dependent on bringing these items.
4. By booking and attending the workshop, participants agree and accept this is undertaken entirely at their own risk and no liability can be accepted whatsoever in the very unlikely event of any bee sting that may occasionally arise when opening a hive. Participants who have known bee allergies MUST bring their own medication and will not be permitted to partake in opening a hive unless they do so. All participants will be required to sign a disclaimer to this effect on arrival.
5. Participants may also have the opportunity of attending the Honey Harvest Day FREE OF CHARGE at the end of the season. This depends on a number of factors and cannot be guaranteed.